Monday, August 29, 2011

The Immigrants #4

Grandpa was not aware of the things that were happening between the daughters and the stepmother. The stepmother would get very angry when her flour tortillas were missing.
One day, great grandpa got on his white horse and traveled to go see his son and his family. He saw that his son needed some help with his daughters, so he decided to help with one of them, and that was the five year old, my mother, the middle child. He took her and placed her on his horse, and away they went to his home and his family. Grandpa favored my mother and adviced everyone in the household to guard her and watch over her, but there shall be no spanking or harsh words to that little girl or else, they would face the consequences from him. My mother was not a mischevious young lady, she was pretty much curious about things and how they worked. She spent her days watching and doing housework, and learning from all those people in the household. One day, she was told to watch the chickens, and to bring all the eggs. So, she went to where the chickens were and there the eggs were, lots of eggs. Her curiousity was how did the chickens lay eggs, she thought the eggs came from the chicken's peak, so she waited to see and watched for a while until she could see results, to her surprise, it came from the other end. Later, I will continue my story, I must get to work. Have a great day,

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Immigrants #4

Grandpa went home knowing that he had to tell his three little girls that
Grandma went to heaven and was not going to come back. It was the hardest thing he ever had to do in his life.

He had to work, and he would give his little girls monies to go out there and buy some groceries to eat, but the little girls were too small, and instead would buy candy and other items that were not considered a balanced meal. So, one day he told his little girls that he would have to find a lady that would take care of them and watch over them, because they were in need of a lady to watch over them. So he did. He married this lady who was previously married and was divorced. The lady had a daughter and she was older than his daughters. At first it was not so bad, but as time went by
the results and her (the lady) personality started to come out, and it was not a good thing. The little girls were not happy with this lady. The lady would physically hurt them, and made them do other things that were not appropriate for them to do, while her daughter was living a prince kind of life in there. She treated the girls like orphans and verbally abused them, and made them do chores that were not appropriate for their age. Grandpa had no idea what was going on. The lady would hide the flour tortillas from them, and the little girls were always hungry, and couldn't find them. One day, the two little girls came from school and they wanted to eat some thing, and so they both went on a search at home,
they looked everywhere for the flour tortillas, and they found them, they were in a box under the bed. The box had a key latch, but there was a
small crack where you can fit a small hand, and my mother who was the middle child, suggested to the smaller child to place her little hand inside the box and try to reach down to get the flour tortillas, which she did. She was successful. She took one flour tortilla for her and one for my mother, they were in heaven, they ate their tortilla and that satisfied their hunger. However, when stepmother arrived, and she was ready to give everyone dinner, she counted the flour tortillas and found out that there was a couple of flour tortillas missing, she was very upset.

To be continued.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Immigrants

My grandmother ended in the hospital. When she died, there was no way to communicate the information to my grandfather. He walked a long way to get to the hospital. He had no horse and no way to get there. So, he walked for miles to get there. When he arrived to the hospital, he was told that grandma was dead and so was her baby that was inside her wound. The bed was empty and there was no body on it. Grandpa left very sad, and grieved his own way on his way back home to the small straw hut. Later, it was discovered that my grandma's body was dumped in a hole with the rest of the dead bodies afer she had passed away. It was discovered that the baby lived, and that one of the nurses there decided to keep it and took the baby home with her.

To be continued.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Immigrants #2

My mother had two other sisters, One was 8 years old and the other one was three years old.
My grandmother died of scorpion bite. My grandfather and grandmother lived in a very poor straw home, and grandmother was working in it, and got bitten. Grandfather thought it was no serious bite, so he ignored her request to take her to the hospital. Meanwhile grandma got all swollen and so did her baby inside the womb. When grandfather realized it was really serious he called the ambulance and they took her away to the hospital, but by then it was already too late.

I need to go to work, I will let you know what happened next. Have a great day.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Immigrants

The story begins - My parents were born in Mexico, my brother and I were also born in Mexico.
My mother was about 5 years old when she lost her mother, my father was born in a family of twelve and they were very poor. My mother had to struggle at 5 years old to find a stable life in the City of Mexico at age 5. She finds herself going from one relative to another to survive, and that was not easy. Her mother died and there was only her father who was very humble and very poor. I will tell you later what her mother died of. But now, I must go to work. Have a great day.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Good Morning

Good Morning Beautiful People

In my country it is 6:30 a.m. and it's going to be a very hot day. Like most of us, I am getting ready to go to work. We all work. I hope you have a great day and a successful day. Enjoy your Day.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Time Out

Have you ever had a bad day, I had one today, However, I see it as an experience, and learned from it. It can, get rough, it did for me today. Life must go on, and so I continue biting the bullet, In life you have different circumstances, but yes, we need to cope with each one, and remember that we are not alone on this world. Others are also experiencing difficulties, and may be greater than ours. You don't compare yourself with others, rather you learn from your mistakes, and keep on learning throughout your journey in life. My mistakes, what, also, you learn by making observations on others that can make a mistake too, and learn from them too.
My thought for today. Well, you have a good night, and hope your day becomes as bright and better the following days to come. May God Bless You.