Saturday, March 3, 2012

Once Upon A Time

The family comes back from church and they normally watch television or like most young children, the children are now behind their computer exploring new websites.  James is looking at some sites, but is still thinking about the box, while Tamara is looking, she is also thinking about the box.  Sebastian and Joanna are picking up on their thoughts, so they are pretty much encouraging those thoughts on both the children.  James gets up and goes to see where the box is, and Tamara follows hinm.  "Where are you going?, asked Tamara, "Where do you think I am going?, asked James.  "I want to go there, too", answered Tamara.  "I see", said James, "you have the same curiosity, as I do, let's go". James and Tamara go towards the location of the box and started to check it out, looking at it in all possible ways, and pressing on various locations on the box.  No, nothing was happening, so Tamara decided to give up but James was determined to open the box, even without a key.  He touched the back of the black box, and there was this little tiny indention towards the bottom back of the black box, a tiny magnetic silver dot, he touched it gently, and the black box opened.  James was surprised, because all this time, he was looking for a key, Tamara and George and Elizabeth were looking for a key.  Sebastian forgot, there was no key, Joanna thought there was a key, and so James and Tamara were so surprised to see how easy the box opened, and there was no key. "How we complicate things in life, when we can make our lives much simpler, and enjoy our lives in this world,"said James.  Tamara and James looked inside the box.  What did they find?  You want to guess?  There was a letter from Sebastian that said, Dear James and Tamara, we love you very much, we will always be there for you, no matter what.  Life is not guaranteed in this world, so I wanted to take time to write you this letter and tell you that we love you very much, and each day that goes by, we love you more and more,our love gets greater. Your job is to succeed in life and to enjoy every moment of your lives, do not let anyone discourage you.  In life, all of us have a gift that was given to us. Live your lives and enjoy every moment, and assist those that need encouragement, love, peace and direction.  Your education is very important, apply everything that you learn in college, and that will take you to the path of helping others. Your mom does not know about this letter, I wanted to surprise her too.  I know that if she is with you, she will agree with me 100%.

"Stay Healthy" that's the greatest gift of all that you can give to us.

With Lots of Love,

PS.  There is a Life Insurance for the both of you, in case something were to happen to me or to the both of us.  Please go inside the closet, and you will find another box.  This box is a red box, labeled, "Confidential", please use the funds for your education.  

Sebastian and Joanna were there all this time, and Joanna looked at her husband, winked at him, and gave him a great big hug. Joanna said to Sebastian, "our job has just begun."


When you feel down, get up again.  Encourage yourself.  You can get up and hear some music, watch your favorite movie, go to a movie, talk to someone that has a positive outlook in life.  Look at a beautiful hill, mountain, flower, rose, garden, home, or take a short trip to the mall and buy some ice cream or a snack, your favorite snack.  You can encourage yourself, get up and do something nice for yourself.  You deserve it.

Believe in Yourself

So many times I say that to myself.  Challenges come and go.  You believe in yourself and always go forward and don't let anyone discourage you.  You are as intelligent as the next person.  You can do it.