Thursday, October 6, 2011

Once Upon A Time

It was now 6:00 a.m. and both Sebastian and Joanna heard the kids and the adults getting up from bed.
Sebastian sat on the recliner just watching all the action, and Joanna was making observations while standing in the kitchen.  Tamara took off running into the bathroom for the shower.  James was looking for his clothes somewhere in his room, and the adults were getting ready to make breakfast.  Elizabeth's husband George was reading the newspaper, while Elizabeth was making breakfast for the whole family.  Tamara gets out of the bathroom and runs to her bedroom, while James finds his clothes and runs in the bathroom for his shower.  Sebastian was so calm and just taking it all in.  Joanna was pretty much looking from one side to the other and peeking to see what else was going to happen.  Elizabeth was scrambling eggs and making pancakes.  Coffee appeared ready for George.  George, a very passive man, was reading and drinking his coffee while all the running around was going on in the home. Elizabeth didn't mind, because remember she pretty much comes from a different environment, and she had her own kids and had gone through that phase before.  So, she was familiar with all the action, nothing was new to her.  Tamara walks in the dinning room and sits on her chair, all she had to do is eat and enjoy her breakfast. No words were said for awhile.  Then, James comes along all set to go, he sits on the chair and gets ready for his breakfast.  "Tamara, are you almost ready to go","Hey, I am way ahead of you", "are you ready"? asked Tamara.  "Just a few more bites, and I am ready," said James.  So, off they go to school.  Same routine.  Back to School.  Elizabeth, yells, "you guys have a good day, now", and both answered, "See you Aunt Elizabeth, don't forget to pick us up after school".  "Well do", said Aunt Elizabeth.
Sabastian and Joanna followed them to school.  Curious to know how well they are doing, well, now was their chance to find out.  "Let's go to Tamara's first class, and check her out", said Joanna.  Her class appeared to be Home Economics.  Sebastian, said, "boring".  Joanna just looked at him, and said, "hush", Sebastian, said "why", "they can't hear me", "No, hush for me". "I want to hear what the teacher is saying to the students, do it for me, Sebastian".  So, the teacher went on and on and on.  Some students were falling asleep, and others gave up listening a long time ago, and some were looking out the window, hoping to see some thing exciting or something in the sky more interesting.  Finally, the teacher stops, and gives the students an assignment, each of them were given a small cookbook, from that cookbook, the studens had to make a choice, but only one choice to try only one recipe.  One simple recipe.  Tamara, looked through the whole book, browsed through it, and she couldn't make up her mind.  Joanna tried to pin point a recipe for her, but of course that did not work, so, Joanna tried to blow at the page but that did not work, and Tamara turned to page 5,"How to Make Biscuits"," that seemed simple enough", said Tamara.  Joanna looked at Sebastian and said, "ok", "she can do that, it looks simple enough for Tamara".  Sebastian looked at Joanna and said, "so, you really, really think she can cook those biscuits", "Yeah", said, Joanna, "why not". "Tamara never cooked, she doesn't even toast her own bread, let alone, mix and bake some biscuit recipe", replied Sebastian.  "Oh Stop", said Joanna, "you need to give her more credit than that".  "Let's watch her, I am sure she will do just fine". " Ok", said Sebastian," if you say so, Joanna".  So, they both watched Tamara, and Tamara opened her book and started reading the instructions on the recipe.  "Let's see, 2 cups of flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/3 cup of shortening and about 3/4 of a cup of milk,"that should be easy enough", said Tamara. So,Tamara gets all of that and pours it inside a big bowl. "There, I am done".  "Now, all I have to do is mix it all together, and bingo!, it's done". "Now, it says to knead it gently on a lightly floured surface, and that looks easy too",Tamara said.  So, she starts kneading the dough and the dough is not quite ready, so she adds more flour, it's sticky, and adds more flour, she doesn't like that it still sticking to the surface.  So, she continues adding flour, then she kneads it again, this time, it didn't stick to the surface, so Tamara had a big smile and a big relief, she did it, all it's done. Now, she needs to form them into a ball, and she loves that part. She makes little ones and big ones, and has a blast doing them.  Joanna looks at Sebastian, "See that's not so bad, I told you so", and Sebastian replies, "it's not over yet".  Tamara continues with her baking, she now needs to get the biscuit cutter to make perfect biscuits.  So, she gets one big ball of dough and cuts it with the biscuit cutter, there of course, is left over dough, and so she sets the left over dough aside and continues with the big ones, one by one.  She tries the same thing with the little ones, but she can't seem to cut those, so she adds left over dough to the little ones, and so she is done, making her biscuits.  Next, she needs to  place them on an ungreased baking sheet 1" apart and bake at 450 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes until golden brown.  Tamara felt so proud of herself, and so did Joanna, for it was the first time she saw her daughter bake some biscuits. Tamara places her biscuits on the ungreased pan and in the oven.  She goes to talk to her friend while her biscuits are baking. She wanted to know what her friend was baking.  Her friend tells her she is baking a chocolate cake, and Tamara watches her friend as she throws in the ingredients to bake the cake.  Tamara tells her "just throw the whole ingredients in the bowl, you are too slow, just do it".  Her friend explains that she needs to read the bottom instructions, that the instructions are most important.  "The top is only the list of ingredients and the amount you need", Tamara, you need to read the instructions that follows, explained her friend.  "Great!", said Tamara.  "Now you tell me".  Tamara was now hoping that her biscuits in that oven would be golden brown.  Meanwhile, she was helping her friend bake the cake, and was really involved with the ingredients and the mixing.  Joanna was now aware that her biscuits were burning and she tried to get Tamara's attention by blowing in her ear, she pulled her dress, her sweater, she yelled at her, but Joanna was not making progress with that, everything Joanna did was just going right through, and was no use. Sebastian was watching Joanna and laughing while sitting in one of the classroom chairs. Tamara was still talking to her friend.  Tamara, let me do it, it's my project. "This is fun", said Tamara.  "Alright, Alright", here, do your project, said Tamara.  Tamara and the rest of the class started to smell something that was burning, and smoke was coming out from the oven.  Tamara just realized that her biscuits were in that oven.  "Oh my God, "Oh my God", my biscuits, my biscuits yelled Tamara.  She runs to the oven and opens the oven door, there was smoke coming out of the oven and there were her biscuits, they were not golden brown, they were pitch black.  Tamara, just looks at them and started to cry,"my biscuits","my biscuits," "they are all ruined". "Well", said Sebastian, looking at Joanna, "well", what!" answered Joanna.  "I told you that it was not over" replied Sebastain.  Joanna said, "Oh hush, Sebastian, she tried", said Joanna. "My poor baby" cried out Joanna.  The teacher had to open the windows, and dismissed the students.