Friday, May 31, 2013

Amazing Things that Happen to Us in our Lives

Here on this Blog, I will tell you about my experiences.  I have no reason to lie and have to let you know.  Just so you can read my experiences.  Do you have extra ordinary experiences in your life?  Tell me about them.  I would love to hear from you.

My first experience not necessarily in order, was when I was 10 years old.  My mother was in the hospital.  My aunt was taking care of us.  My mother was about to give birth in the hospital.  I was aware of what was going on, so I went to my bedroom and kneeled down and prayed, and prayed.  I had 5 brothers and two sisters.  I prayed and prayed that it would be a baby girl.  I wanted a sister.  In those days, you didn't find out a head  of time or let's put it this way, my mother did not check to see if it was going to be a boy or a girl.  She just wanted a healthy baby.  I waited and prayed some more.  My aunt was in the home during the time, and was busy working around the house.  That was my mother's sister.  My aunt was a pretty nice lady.  She took care of us and the house.  May God Bless her.  She is now in heaven.  That lady was almost a saint.  I loved her a lot.  Anyway, I didn't stop praying, until I heard the phone ring.  My aunt picked up the phone, and my hands and knees were pretty much in the same position, hoping and praying that the baby would be a little girl.  My aunt got the news, hung up the phone.  I slowly got up and went to the living room.  My aunt said, Your Mom is going to be alright, She had a baby girl.  I was so happy and I had this great big smile on my face.  I went back to my run and gave thanks to God.  That was one special day for me.

My second experience in my life, was not so happy.  My big brother and I were very close, we were about  3  years apart.   Leon and I talked about a Business Plan, and he said, "Yes, I can do that".  I told Leon, "whatever you do, don't let me down".  He said, "I won't".  "I will be in Fresno on so and so date".  "Ok", I said.  At the time,  my brother was working for Bank of America as a Teller.  He married for the second time, and was very happy with his marriage.  Bank of America was planning their Christmas Party, and he was all excited about that.  Leon was a great dancer.  Leon and I would always dance when invited to a special event within the family, and there was lots of family in Los Angeles.  Where there was music, we were there. When Leon and I were small kids, we learned quick from my Aunt on my father's side, she taught us how to dance.  My mother worked in the store with her uncle.   We happened to be there that day. Leon was 4 years old, and I was about 1 year  and 8 months. My uncle owned a restaurant..  Well, There were men waiting to come to the U.S., but at the same time they were asking for food orders.  Guess What? Music started playing. We started dancing, and..............all the attention was on us.  All started giving us money.  We were not there for donations, we just wanted to dance.  My mother was surprised.  She saved the unexpected money for more groceries. That was my mother's story to us. I was too small to remember.

Anyway, Leon went to The Christmas Party with his wife.  He danced a storm and loved every bit of it.  He went home with his wife.  That night he slept and the next morning, he went to heaven.  His wife was shocked upon waking up and not seeing Leon open his eyes no more.  The news was given to my family, and I was given the news.  I was devastated.  I couldn't accept that.  We went through the funeral, and it still seemed so unreal to me.  I came back to Fresno, CA and saw his car parked in my parking lot, so quiet and so lonely, no more Leon, just a lonely car.  I was still crying and grieving for him.  I prayed for him every night for two weeks on my second floor in my bedroom.  I was left alone by myself.  My husband would not come up to my bedroom.  I prayed for two weeks straight, and I said the Holy Rosary every night with a candle on my side.  I prayed all 15 of them. It was dark, and the only thing I could see was the candle on my side.  I had no fear in the dark.  I would pray and go  to sleep crying every night for two weeks,  The last night of the two weeks,, I did the same thing, and was getting ready to go to sleep.  I  layed there in the dark after praying,, almost ready to fall asleep, when I began to see something unusual through my window.  There at  the window I saw a white mist, like a cloud or fog coming in through my window.  That white mist turned into a shape of a man, a very old man with white hair and  white beard, and a serious look on his face.  I can only see the face, no body, just a large face with white hair and a white beard and he was starring at me.  I was starring back, but I was speechless, and he had a serious look in his eyes.  No smile.  He just looked at me.  I looked at him, and he did not say a word. I waited and he slowly went back out the same way he came in.  I did not know who he was.  I  can only say, he must have been a Holy Being, because he had white hair and a long white beard.  The next morning, I woke up and was still thinking about my experience. I told my husband, and he probably thought I was nuts.  Oh, well.  I opened the bible, and there was the face of the old man that I saw that night.  Was he Moses?, was he Jesus?, was he God?  I will never know.  He was probably trying to tell me not to grief anymore.  Leon was now in Heaven.  Prayer is powerful. What do you think?

What do you think?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello everyone.  We are now in October.  The holidays are near in the United States.  The weather should cool off, but to our surprise it is still hot in October.In my life, we have lots to be happy about, and I hope your life is as well.  You are doing the best you can, and that is all we should do.  Don't over do it and don't stress out.  It is not worth it at the end.  Enjoy your life and just do as much as you can.  There will be another day, and every day you can improve on your subjects at school or the work you are doing.  Life is precious, enjoy your life.  If you make crazy mistakes, oh well, we all do.  Don't feel you are alone.  Just get back on your feet and keep going forward and do the best you can and enjoy your day, you will soon find out, that the little things in life are most important.  Think about it. 
For those that celebrate Christmas.  Christmas is near.  Please don't forget to look at my website. .  For everytime you buy, even if it's a small gift, I will donate a percentage to the Cancer Foundation that Mary Kay has had for a long time.  People helping People and Women Helping Women.  Please think about ordering for Christmas, a Birthday, an anniversary, an appreciation gift, etc.  It does not have to be a  big order, and I am sure that person that  you love or that special person you give that small gift, will appreciate you very much.  Then, again, you can treat yourself by buying something small for you.  You deserve a small gift.  Give something to yourself too.  Enjoy your day.  Lots of Love from me.  May God Bless You.  Remember, you are Special.  Have a great day.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

It is June 24, 2012.  Good Morning everyone.  I am so glad that you are reading my blog.  I love to keep in touch with you.  Have been working at work and at home, and of course, I am now sharing my computer with my son, so it has been quite different now.  However, now that my son is not here, I am going to take advantage of my computer and write to all of you.  I wanted to share my thoughts with you this morning. 

Have you ever wanted to look your best, not for the world, but for you?  That's how I feel.  I want to look great every day.  Who taught me that concept?.  My mother.  She always looked great at home and when she went out grocery shopping.  Who else? My 5th great teacher.  She always look great too.  These two people are very special to me.  They taught me to look great and feel great.  You can also look great and feel great.  Why?  Because you are unique in every sense of the word.  Don't compare yourself to others, just accept yourself and feel great about yourself.  I like to wash my face, my face is my canvas.  I then take care of myself and start the morning fresh every day.  I am not Miss America, but I feel like one when I take care of myself.  Since I can remember, I started wearing make up in the 6th grade, not a lot, I was still experimenting with make-up, I can assure you, I was very careful and discreet about my make-up.  When I went to Junior High School, I started to use foundation, and light lipstick and mascara.  I had some freckles.  I did not like freckles.  But, some people look great with freckles.  I did not.  I was always adding make-up to cover my freckles, but to no avail.  Anyway, I survived it.  I no longer have freckles.  Don't ask me why?  Now that I am older, I look back and think of all the remedies I tried and tried.  Anyway, I did look great, even with freckles.  I managed to have boyfriends, and some were good looking guys.  I was very conservative though, and they knew it.  I came from a strict family, and they knew that too.  I am now 60 years old, I am using Mary Kay.  I have been using it for one year, and I love their products.  They are of quality and safe to use.  If I look great then, I look even better now.  Check out the products, there are also products there for men.  The colognes are great.  Mary Kay concentrates on facial skin care, look at those, you wll be glad you did.  The rest is like icing on the cake, they have amazing products, you will enjoy it.  My website if  Remember, do it for you.  Have a great weekend and enjoy life to the max.  May God Bless You.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Be Strong

Life is not easy all the time.  We all have ups and downs.  You must face the challenges and be strong, and know that you will succeed in each and everyone of them.  You are not alone.  Life is a challenge.  Don't get discourage.  If you fall, get up again, try and try again.  Don't give up.  Keep trying until you defeat whatever is bothering you in a positive way.  You are in charge, and God is there to Guide You.  Have faith in yourself and in God, and you will defeat any challenges that come your way.  With Lots of Love and with all my heart, I hope that everything goes well with you.  Stand up and keep on walking.  You will succeed and you will defeat those challenges that come your way.  Lots of Love.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Once Upon A Time

The family comes back from church and they normally watch television or like most young children, the children are now behind their computer exploring new websites.  James is looking at some sites, but is still thinking about the box, while Tamara is looking, she is also thinking about the box.  Sebastian and Joanna are picking up on their thoughts, so they are pretty much encouraging those thoughts on both the children.  James gets up and goes to see where the box is, and Tamara follows hinm.  "Where are you going?, asked Tamara, "Where do you think I am going?, asked James.  "I want to go there, too", answered Tamara.  "I see", said James, "you have the same curiosity, as I do, let's go". James and Tamara go towards the location of the box and started to check it out, looking at it in all possible ways, and pressing on various locations on the box.  No, nothing was happening, so Tamara decided to give up but James was determined to open the box, even without a key.  He touched the back of the black box, and there was this little tiny indention towards the bottom back of the black box, a tiny magnetic silver dot, he touched it gently, and the black box opened.  James was surprised, because all this time, he was looking for a key, Tamara and George and Elizabeth were looking for a key.  Sebastian forgot, there was no key, Joanna thought there was a key, and so James and Tamara were so surprised to see how easy the box opened, and there was no key. "How we complicate things in life, when we can make our lives much simpler, and enjoy our lives in this world,"said James.  Tamara and James looked inside the box.  What did they find?  You want to guess?  There was a letter from Sebastian that said, Dear James and Tamara, we love you very much, we will always be there for you, no matter what.  Life is not guaranteed in this world, so I wanted to take time to write you this letter and tell you that we love you very much, and each day that goes by, we love you more and more,our love gets greater. Your job is to succeed in life and to enjoy every moment of your lives, do not let anyone discourage you.  In life, all of us have a gift that was given to us. Live your lives and enjoy every moment, and assist those that need encouragement, love, peace and direction.  Your education is very important, apply everything that you learn in college, and that will take you to the path of helping others. Your mom does not know about this letter, I wanted to surprise her too.  I know that if she is with you, she will agree with me 100%.

"Stay Healthy" that's the greatest gift of all that you can give to us.

With Lots of Love,

PS.  There is a Life Insurance for the both of you, in case something were to happen to me or to the both of us.  Please go inside the closet, and you will find another box.  This box is a red box, labeled, "Confidential", please use the funds for your education.  

Sebastian and Joanna were there all this time, and Joanna looked at her husband, winked at him, and gave him a great big hug. Joanna said to Sebastian, "our job has just begun."


When you feel down, get up again.  Encourage yourself.  You can get up and hear some music, watch your favorite movie, go to a movie, talk to someone that has a positive outlook in life.  Look at a beautiful hill, mountain, flower, rose, garden, home, or take a short trip to the mall and buy some ice cream or a snack, your favorite snack.  You can encourage yourself, get up and do something nice for yourself.  You deserve it.