Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cell Phones

Hi, everyone, my thoughts are now on my cell phone. Do you realize that nowadays, we must have a cell phone. I try to memorize my landline at home, and I can't do that anymore. Or is it my age? I have to go in my cell phone to get my land line phone number at home, wow, that's real. I used to memorized everything, now it's so easy to go to the cell phone for lots of numbers. I hope I am not the only one with that condition. Anyway,
cell phones are great, we just became so dependant on them. No more public phones. Home phones may be history soon. What do you think? Have a great day. Friday is around the corner, Yeah.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

I want to wish you a Happy Fourth of July. May your weekend be great and may you enjoy your family and friends wherever you are. Those that are far and can't be with your families, I wish you a very happy fourth of July. Give your family a phone call, find someone to share the moment with. Have a great weekend.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Good Bye Monday - See You Next Week

Hi, Mondays are so hard for most of us. We like Fridays, Fridays are always Good Fridays for me. Then Saturday comes along, and we are all excited, we get to sleep more and go shopping and do whatever we like to do.
It's great. It's a great feeling. Sunday, it's time to go to give thanks to those we praise and love, and visit our loved ones. We tend to do as much as we can on a two day session. We accomplish a lot if we think about it. How was your day? May God Bless you and your family. Talk to you soon. Good nite for now.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Love - The Key to Happiness

Love is the Key to Happiness. It is contageious. Try it.

Easy Recipes

Cooking is great if you like to cook. However, I like to cook and leave the kitchen right away, if possible. Three meals and out the kitchen door.
Blessed are those who love to cook. Now, there are quick recipes out there, I know. The following idea is very simple, this one is one of my favorites. Not hard at all. Fried Taquitos made with corn tortillas and shredded beef, chicken inside the rolled tortilla. I microwave my tortillas, then I add the ingredients and rolled them up. The hot cooking oil will fry them, place the taquitos on a paper towel so you can drain the oil, and make yourself a side dish if you wish, but you can eat them alone too with your favorite dressing. Happy Lunch Hour. Love You All. If you have any ideas, let me know. Thank You. Have a great day.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hello - Beautiful and Wonderful People

How are you doing? I am doing great, thank you. I am sure you are going to be busy this weekend. Enjoy, watch a movie, smell a rose, go to a nursery where they have all these beautiful plants, water the grass, take a nice walk through the park, or just go window shopping. It's a great day to just enjoy. Go visit a friend or a person who may need your company, or go to a Convalescent Hospital and say hello to someone who can use your company and appreciate your presents. There are lots of seniors who would love someone to talk, laugh and smile with. Go have coffee or breakfast/lunch with a loved one, and enjoy their company. Little things matter so much in this world. You will see. Love you all. May God Bless You. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 16, 2011

Hi, how are you doing? I am doing great. The weather is great, I finally cleaned the house, and I am now taking a break. You must take a break, there is no end to work. This is my time, to talk to you. How was your day, was it busy as mine or did you chill. The most important thing is that you did what you felt was right for you. Enjoy the rest of the day,
Enjoy by yourself, have fun, read a book, watch a movie, talk to your friends, relatives, etc. If you like gardening, go for it. Today, was work for most of us, but now we are home, or most of us are at home. Some of us work at night, for those that work at night, don't work too hard, and take care of yourself. Until then, I wish you the best of the best. Smile, and others will smile back at you. Be alert, and May God Bless you.
Talk to you later. Have a great day and/or evening.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I've always prayed when I was a little girl, and I am now 59 years old. I prayed the children's prayers and now as an adult, I pray the Holy Rosary. I believe very strongly that praying the Holy Rosary, in my opinion is the gates to heaven, of course also conversing with God and having a real conversation with God and asking him to forgive you for your sins. Ask Him to come into your life, and make you a better person each day. Thank Him for all that He gives to you and for just loving you and caring for you. For listening to you and protecting you. I want Him to know me. He only asks us to give one another Love and to Care for one another, that is all HE ask of us. Going to his Holy Home is Free. Knowing Him is Free. Loving Him is Free, No admission cost, how wonderful an amazing is that. With Lots of Love. May God Bless You and every single one of you.