Sunday, October 2, 2011

Once Upon A Time

JoAnna and Sebastian discovered that now they were ghosts roaming with the living.  Both were sad, and wished that it were different, but of course there was no turning back.  They would have to adjust being ghosts and of course figure out what to do next, and how to do it.  How do you cope being a ghost?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a ghost, what  can we do and cannot do?  These are some of the questions, that kept coming to them as they walked together side by side. Will they be able to see their kids or their home again?  JoAnna remembered that once she saw a ghost story, and she remembered that one ghost told the other, that all you have to do is think that you are in that general area, and bingo, you would be there.  JoAnna then told Sebastian to try that," but first," she said, "we must both be in agreement to our location, because I don't want to separate myself from you". "Ok", Sebastian, "where do you want to go", asked, JoAnna. " Well", said Sebastian,"I want to go home, how about it?"  "That's what I had in mind", said JoAnna, "Let's try this, and see if it works", said JoAnna. "Remember, think the same location and concentrate", she said.  Sebastian closed his eyes, and started to concentrate, "Home Sweet Home", "Home Sweet Home", "Home Sweet Home", and JoAnna started to close her eyes and said, "I want to go home", "I want to go Home."Sebastian ended up at this business called, "Home Sweet Home Pie Shop", and JoAnna, ended up at her birth place, when she was a little girl.  JoAnna, looked around and founded amusing, but she was confused, and said,"how can that be, "I said, "I want to go home".  Sebastian ended up looking through a glass that had home made pies, nothing like home.  Sebastian said, "No, No, that's not what I am looking for, that is  totally wrong, though the pies look good, but that does not do me any good anymore, so now what do I do", he asked himself. "JoAnna, JoAnna, where are you" he shouted out, but JoAnna was no where near him.  "Darn", said, Sebastian.  JoAnna was looking for Sebastian, but there was no Sebastian at site.  "Ok, what do I do, I need to get back to Sebastian, where do I go from here", "Wow, this is not going to be as easy as I thought it would be"  "Sebastian, where are you, I need you back, this is real scary, being all alone is not a good thing", said JoAnna.  JoAnna remembered that Sebastian was whispering, "Home Sweet Home, Home Sweet Home", so she started to say the same words, "Home Sweet Home, Home Sweet Home", and in an instant, she found herself next to "Home Sweet Home Pie Shop, Sebastian was wondering around, not knowing what to do, then JoAnna spotted him, and called him, "Sebastian, over here", "Sebastian, over here", Sebastian saw her and ran towards her. "Thank God that I found you", said Sebastian, "No, thank God that I found you", said JoAnna.  JoAnna explained to Sebastian what happened to her, and she told him something was not quite right. JoAnna said, "We need to practice some more, something it's not quite right here".  They look around the location they were, and pretty much there were different places and diners where people can go and eat, such as cafes, restaurants, coffee shops and fast food chains.  They both were glad to be together again, and both were dazing at the sky  and  thinking, on how to adjust with their unexpected situation.  Suddenly, a young man appears in front of them, and JoAnna and Sebastian just didn't even acknowledge his appearance, they both thought this one guy was a living human being, and left him alone.  This young man rush to their side, again and again, but Sebastian and JoAnna did not care, they both thought it was a waste of time, talking to him, after all humans can't hear a thing.  However, the young man became persistent and a pest, and kept following them.  JoAnna noticed that he kept walking the same direction as they were walking, and kept trying to catch up with them.  The young man, said, "Hey, you two, stop, I am trying to talk to you, and you guys, just keep on walking. "Just stop for a second, "won't you", both of them appeared surprised, and looked at him.  "Wow, can you see us", asked, Sebastian, "Of course I can", said the young man", "but why", asked Sebastian. "why" the young man repeated the same word, "what does that mean", said the young man", "exactly what I said", said Sebastian.  "Why can you see us, and the others can't?"asked Sebastian again.  JoAnna, said, "Yeah,explain that to us", "Simple", said the young man,"I am a ghost too".  "Oh, I knew that", JoAnna said, with half a smile, she felt like an idiot.  "Ok", so what do you want from us", said Sebastian. "Nothing", said, the ghost, "Let me repeat myself, "I am a Ghost", "Ghost don't need much".  "Ok", then why are you following us?, asked Sebastian. "Well", said the young man, "I saw that both of you are having a hard time coping with this ghost syndrome, so I thought I help you out,  "that is if you want my help".  Sebastian looked at him for a while, and asked him, "why do you want to help us?",  "what's in it for you?", "not much", said the young man, "I just  want to gain points with the man upstairs".  "Do you want my help or not?"  JoAnna looked at the young man and looked at Sebastian for a while.  "Ok", said the young man, "I don't have all day, I'll see you guys later", and he was ready to disappear, when JoAnna, said, "No!, wait, we do need your help" Sebastian turns to JoAnna and says,"You think we can trust him", "Why not", said JoAnna, "we have nothing to lose, we are ghost too", remember!"  "Ok, first things first". said, JoAnna. "How do we travel, how can we go from one place to another place, and get there?", asked JoAnna.  "That's easy", said the young man,  "You just have to close your eyes and concentrate upon the location where you want to travel," "but we did that already, and it did not work", said JoAnna.  JoAnna started to explain how she and Sebastian did it, and the ghosts started to laugh.  "No, you did it all wrong", totally wrong", said the young man.  "You need to concentrate on the location and address where you want to be", "that's how you do it", said the young man.  Next time, try it and you will get there, I promise".  "Well, that's great to know," said, JoAnna,"thanks for the tip".  "By the way, what is your name?  My name is "Martin, just call me Martin".  "Ok", Martin".  "We will see you later", said JoAnna.  "No, said Martin, "you will see me around off and on, off and on" as he would appear and disappear instantaneously at that moment.  Sebastian and JoAnna walked towards the street, and decided to find a nice bench where they could concentrate to get to their location and their address.  Their destination would be their home. 

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