Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sebastian and Joanna are now ready to start their venture.  Sebastian is contemplating which way to start first.  Joanna is watching him with curiosity. "what are you planning to do?", asked Joanna.  "Well", answered Sebastian, "I am thinking that I should try the first method first".  "I need the practice". "So, you want to scare the hell out my sister and my brother in law", replied Joanna.  "Not exactly", said.Sebastian. "I just need to find out what I can do and cannot do with my potentials".  "I need to practice my new skills and see how far it will take me, but I don't really want to scare them, just want to see what I can do with this".  Joanna looked at him and replied, "ok, but I am going to try too, but just remember, we don't want to scare them, "right",
" right", replied, Sebastian.
 Sebastian and Joanna waited for the couple to come in from work.  It was 4:00 p.m., so Sebastian and Joanna decided to take a small trip to the school where they would check out their two kids to see how they were doing after school practice.  James, was practicing  his football techniques, while their daughter was talking and joking with her best friends.  Sebastian and Joanna can now go back and fourth without any problem, they seem to be more at ease with themselves, now that know how to appear and disappear in  different locations, so they mastered that pretty well.  They proudly watched their kids, and wished they could
hug them and kiss them once again, but they both know, that's impossible.  For a while, they both seemed to enjoy sitting on the bleachers watching their kids and all the young children going back and fourth to and from different locations, some  towards the gym, while others towards the football field, others had to go to after school homework class, to complete or return their homework, they so totally forgot or did not complete, late homework.  Sebastian noticed it was getting late, and there were not many students on the  premises anymore, and so he gets up and turns to Joanna.  "Joanna, it's time to go", "we need to go home," he tells her.  Joanna shakes her head as agreeing with him. They both closed their eyes and concentrate on their address, and before they knew it, they open their eyes, and there they were, back in their home in their living room.  They can hear noises in the kitchen and the dining room, and so they slowly move in those areas to see what's happening in the designated areas.  Her sister is now getting ready to make dinner, and her brother in law is helping her with the dishes, some of the dishes need to go in the dishwasher and the pots and pans need to be wash by hand. Sebastian sees this as an opportunity to practice his new skill.  So, he concentrates, on one of the pots on the counter.  He waves his hand and nothing happens, he tries again, but it moves very little, then he tries again, and it moves about an increment, not good.  So, he decides to really get closer to the pot, and tries again, with more force, the pot goes flying across the room, and falls straight to the ground.  George gets  startled and runs from the kitchen to the dining room where his wife is preparing the plates and  silverware, and he looks pale by now. He looks back at the kitchen and looks at his wife.  His wife is too busy to nootice him.  "Oops" Sebastian said.  "that was wild"."I did not mean to do that," "sorry George" Sebastian said, with a very concerned look, but with a smile on his face. George looked at his wife, and tries to get her attention, but his wife is humming up a song, and does not really pay attention to George.  "Honey, Honey, I just saw a pot flying across the room", "I just saw a pot flying through the room", "Stop it George", "you are making me laugh, you must be in a good mood", "just saw a pot flying through the room, pots don't fly, George, pots don't fly","please go get some napkins George, and then I will start bringing in the food", requested his wife as she dismissed everything he was saying. George slowly went back to the kitchen, took a peak to see where the pot was or if it had moved again, but the pot was on the floor and did not move from there.  George was now doubting himself.  Maybe I worked too hard, and I imagined that, he thought to himself. So, he goes to the cupboard and gets the napkins to give to his wife.  Meanwhile, James and his sister comes in from their school and greet their aunt and uncle.  "Hi," said James to his aunt.  "What's for dinner?, asked his sister.  Elizabeth looks at her and tells her to go wash up and then come back to check what's for dinner.  So she goes off and washes up, while George is still trying to make sense of what he saw in the kitchen, but he keeps things to himself, he dare not tells his niece and nephew.  They all sit and have their dinner, and enjoy each others company and they all go to the living room after dinner to watch a movie together.  Everything appears to be normal. Meanwhile Sebastian is now back to the kitchen to try again. "How do I pick-up the pot on the ground?, he asked Joanna, "Well,  the same way you made it move, I suppose?, replied Joanna. So, Sebastian, gets closer and concentrates once again, and waves his arm to the right, and the pot goes across the opposite side with such a force, that everyone from the living room gets up and runs to the kitchen, well the pot is now on the opposite side, and George looks and he is now really startled, and he walks to his reclining chair for awhile and just sits there.  "We have ghost in this house", he says out loud. No one is really listening to him, because they think that it was a weird situations, and what must have happened is that the pot was situated in the wrong place, and it just fell to the ground and rolled to the other side of the room.  So, Elizabeth picks up the pot and placed the pot on the counter, dismisses the incident, and tells everyone, "Let's all go back to the living room and continue watching the movie". so everyone walks back and sit to watch the remainder of the movie.  George is still in shock, and convinced that ghosts are now in the house, but not totally 100%.  He is now a little scare, but he better stay low profile or otherwise, they are going to think he is going nuts. "Time to go to bed," Elizabeth tells everyone, so everyone is tired, and so they all go to their designated bedrooms.  Sebastian was smiling and Joanna was shaking her head, like saying to him, "you sure need a lot of practice, my friend.

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