Thursday, July 28, 2011


When you buy clothes, make sure the clothes are versatile. By that I mean, if you can think of what you have in your closet now, and you match that blouse, those jeans, that skirt with the new one you are buying, then you are a smart shopper, that's how you build up your wardrobe. Use colors you like, but match with your old clothes, so you can look like you have a large wardrobe. The same way, with jewelry, match the colors so you can wear it more than once through out the week. I use blue, silver, black, red, white. tan, these colors are very versatile. You can wear almost any color blouses, and still look like you have a large wardrobe. Take it from me, that's the way to go. Shoes, white, tan, blue, silver black, and red. Just speaking from experience. Have a great day. Good bye for now. Enjoy your family and enjoy the world you live in. Life is great and we must be thankful that we are still enjoying the most important things in our lives, our families, friends and nature at it's best.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy Friday

Every Friday is a good Friday for me. Of course everyone who works outside the home, Fridays are welcome. However, we all know that Saturday and Sunday is around the corner. Choices, Choices, now we have to make them, do we want to work, or do we want to go shopping, or go out of town, or just stay home and chill with our families. You choose. It's a hard decision, but eventually we do make one. Happy Friday, beautiful people and have a great weekend. With lots of Love, your friend in California.


We all must work. Going to college is a plus and getting skills on the side while going to college is a super plus, being bilingual in a language is also a super super plus, why, the chances are greater and you are among those who are fortunate and blessed to get the above.
The chances are greater to find a job. Have you ever been on an interview for a job, you must dress appropriately for interviews. No jeans, no casual blouses, no shorts, dress up like you already have the job, nice clothes, be semi-conservative for that day. Hair should be neatly combed, no hairstyles that look wild. Smile and answer the questions as they come, but look at the person who is asking them, don't let your eyes travel all over the place. Answer direct and short, find out about the company way before you go to the interview, that's impressive, it helps when they ask you, what do you know about this company? Why do you want to work for us?
Are you dependable? What can you do for us? Don't ask about the salary, let them tell you.
Don't bring relatives with you when you come in for an interview. At the end, Thank them for their time with you. Smile, and say goodbye. I am sure if they want you, they will call you.

Next, about a week, follow-up with Human Resources if they have one, or with the Secretary if its a private firm. Let them know you are still available and very interested, and want to know what the status is on the position you applied and interviewed.Keep on looking for a job
until you find one, don't wait for previous jobs you interviewed and/or applied, just keep on going. Those that want you, they will call you, just make sure your cell phones are on at all times, or your phone is working and your voice mail is working so they can leave a message for you. Good Luck and May God Bless You in your Job Hunt. Have a great day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I have a personal reason for asking if everyone could put this as their status for 1 hour. I'm pretty sure I know the names of those who will. Think of someone you know who has or has had cancer, or someone you lost from cancer. My prayer is that in 2011 they will find a cure. Will you post this for one hour in honour of those Who have fought or are fighting cancer?

On behalf of my new friend per her request, and my old friends that have passed away, what I mean by that, I knew them for a long time, for they died young, younger than I, and are no longer with me. On behalf of the beautiful people I have not met, but died of Cancer. Lets find a cure, and allow those that are knowledgeable to have a heart and help us cure the deadly disease.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Vacation Time

Vacation time for those that can enjoy a well deserved vacation. Whether you saved your money or can afford to go on vacation, it is still very well deserved. Most all of us work outside the home, and we need time to chill and just enjoy what the world has to offer. This year, I was unable to go anywhere, but nevertheless, I still enjoyed just relaxing at home and spending time with my loved ones. However, it is always exciting when you can go outside your norm and adventure a little. The Royal Carribean may have a great deal right now, check it out. Australia Anyone?

Italy - Rome - Venice - Florence - Great places to go and also appreciate. Food is great, I hear, and it is a sure way to relax and enjoy the scenery. July through September.

Spain - A beautiful place to be. Would love to travel all of Europe to see the beautiful homes, the architect, the castles, churches and to walk and learn from the people. Would love to see the open fields, the land, mountains, shops, the buildings, the flowers. My life dream. Vacation anyone? If you go, have fun for the both of us. Have a great day. Have a great weekend too.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How Hot is it?

It is very, very hot. July is the beginning of a hot summer. August is one hot month here in California. How hot is it in your part of the woods?

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Music is very important in my life. I love music too. Enjoy your kind of music. Turn it on while working around the house, and listen to your favorite music. You can also listen to it while you are doing yard work, cooking, reading a favorite book, or just drinking a cup of tea, a soda or a cup of coffee, or whatever your favorite beverage you like to drink, but drink moderately, and enjoy. May God Bless You. Happy Fourth of July. Enjoy your weekend with your loved ones and appreciate one another.


Do you like to go to the movies. I do but not very often, because I like to move around a lot.
My favorite movies are action movies, comedy and musicals. What kind of movies do you like?


If you like to dance, no matter what kind of dance, you can also lose weight. You don't have to go to a dance floor to dance. You can dance at home while you are cooking, cleaning, or just dance at home for pleasure. You enjoy dancing, then dance. It's all about moving, don't sit a lot and watch television all the time, or read all the time. Move, and you will see that you begin to see positive results.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss is very popular almost any where. The truth about weight loss is that there is no miracle pill. Promises, Promises. What you really and honestly need to do is eat healthy food and eat moderately. You also need to spend at least 1 hour a day exercising, and of course drink water throughout the day. You must be consistent in healthy food, moderation and exercise. Not all exercises are equal. You need to know what kind of exercise you can do, or check with your doctor. Then go for it.