Friday, July 8, 2011

Vacation Time

Vacation time for those that can enjoy a well deserved vacation. Whether you saved your money or can afford to go on vacation, it is still very well deserved. Most all of us work outside the home, and we need time to chill and just enjoy what the world has to offer. This year, I was unable to go anywhere, but nevertheless, I still enjoyed just relaxing at home and spending time with my loved ones. However, it is always exciting when you can go outside your norm and adventure a little. The Royal Carribean may have a great deal right now, check it out. Australia Anyone?

Italy - Rome - Venice - Florence - Great places to go and also appreciate. Food is great, I hear, and it is a sure way to relax and enjoy the scenery. July through September.

Spain - A beautiful place to be. Would love to travel all of Europe to see the beautiful homes, the architect, the castles, churches and to walk and learn from the people. Would love to see the open fields, the land, mountains, shops, the buildings, the flowers. My life dream. Vacation anyone? If you go, have fun for the both of us. Have a great day. Have a great weekend too.

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