Friday, September 23, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, there was this family who was a very close family. A middle class family.
The mother was a Real Estate Agent and the father was an Advertising Agent for a large prestigious company. The mother's name was JoAnna and the father's name was Sebastian. They were blessed with two children, a boy and a girl. James was their 14 year old son and Tamara the 13 year old daughter. Both children are very sharp and very popular in school. This family, a very normal, middle class all American family. Every morning mom would have to rush off to work at another deal outside the city limits, and Dad he had to get to the agency on time for all kinds of negotiations, and creative ideas for the advertising agency.
James and Tamara, well, they would also rush to get to their school early to meet up with their friends in school. The school is a very upper middle class school, football, baseball, swimming,cheerleading, fundraisers for various trips and holiday parties; Halloween, Christmas, etc.Tamara, James and their parents followed the same routine every day.

On weekends, the two siblings would meet up with their friends and go to the movies, arcade, pizza place, or just go out bowling or shopping at the mall. Typical family. The parents would stay in and watch a couple of movies and eat popcorn, and call their friends in between television commercials. Typical family. They were all in tune with one another and happy for the time being.

Monday, comes along, and here we go again, Mom and Dad have some coffee, and rush out the house,
Tamara and James, have a piece of toast and orange juice, and out they go running to the school, the school is not far from where they live. The distance is about 15 minutes away from where they live. Their neighborhood is pretty nice, and the people in the neighborhood know Tamara and James and their parents. A normal day for the family.

JoAnna calls Sebastian and suggests that it's time for both of them to go out and have lunch together. Sebastian tells her, JoAnna, just give me 30 minutes more, and I will meet with you for lunch. JoAnna responded, o.k, 30 minutes and not a minute more, with a happy sound on the other end. Sebastian laughs, and tells her, I will be there.

JoAnna meets her client and shows her the house. Gives her a complete tour of the house,
and gives her all the details of the house. The client seems very interested and asks a lot of questions, and she looks like she is very impressed with the house, however, the client tells her that she will get back with her in a few days, she needs to talk it over with her husband, and her husband needs to come and see the house too. JoAnna smiles and tells the client that she will be waiting for her call, and if she does not call, then she will call her back to remind her of the house and follow-up and set an appointment with her and her husband to see the house, the sooner the better, she says, because this house will sell real quickly, it's a great deal and it's a beautiful home. She says good-bye to the client and the client drives away.
Joann awaits for her husband outside the house, and so she feels that she did very well, and has a good feeling about this client. Meanwhile, her husband drives in the driveway, and smiles at her, and says, hey, are you available,for a date? she smiles, and says, "who's this stranger, this lonely stranger with a nice smile, and bright blue eyes". He smiles, and tells her to get in the car with him. Sebastian, tells her about his meeting at work, and how well things are going, and he is very excited about the this one advertising deal. Joanna, tells him that she might have a client pretty soon, and it may be a very successful transaction, but she needs to follow-up and be persistent with the client. As they are talking, and laughing, Sebastian turns on the radio, and their favorite songs comes on. "You Only Just Begun", They are both quiet as they are listening to this beautiful song. Sebastian and Joann seem very much in love with one another, and they seem to be in their own little world.
Meanwhile Tamara is practicing her cheerleading with the rest of the girls and James is practicing football with the guys out by the field. Both are very intense and want to do well, so they practice for long hours. Suddenly, Tamara feels sick and wants to vomit, and James starts feeling dizzy and starts sweating. They don't understand why they feel like that. Tamara tells the girls, "I will be back, I need to sit down and drink some water, don't feel that hot, may be it's the heat". James, just tells his coach, "hey couch, I will be back, I need to go to the restroom", James goes in there and washes his face with cold water and looks at himself in the mirror, stares for awhile, then goes back to practice. Tamara, she just want to call it a day, and waits for James to finish his practice so she can walk home with James.

Sebastian and JoAnna are listening to more music, and this time, it's rock and roll and they are both moving to the rhythm of the music. They are having a good time, the two of them by themselves in the car, just like it was back then in high school when they were teens themselves. All of the sudden a car is coming fast, and is going the wrong way, Sebastian tries to protect JoAnna and JoAanna tries to protect Sebastian, and they both hold each other, the car comes straight at them and kills them instantly. Only the music is playing, and there is a silence, no more laughter, a dead silence. The driver of the other car is also dead. The ambulance arrives, and takes the bodies away. The attendants just shake their heads, "there is no life in these bodies, all died instantly".

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