Sunday, November 6, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Sebastian and Joanna decided to keep on looking.  Though Joanna had no idea what she's looking for.
Sebastian tells her that he is sure it was there on that desk, but it seemed like it was moved from the area that was previously placed.  It's a box and in that box there is something that is so valuable for my children, explained Sebastian to Joanna. "Ok, replied, Joanna, "why don't you tell me what it is, since I can't benefit from it now that I am no longer alive". "If I tell you," replied Sebastian,"then it will not be a surprise for you, and even though you are no longer alive, you will pleasantly be surprised and very proud of me". "I still want to surprise you with it, even though there is not much there for you, but you will be pleasantly pleased with what I have in that box". " I know it's inside that dresser, though at one time, it was on the top of that desk.  However, it was moved before I passed away, I just noticed but I didn't think nothing of it.  I just thought I could come back and look inside and find it inside and find another place for it later".  "As you see, it just didn't quite happen that way," replied Sebastian.

Joanna then started to use her specific powers too, but they were too weak.  She needed practice too.  Everyone in the household were quietly watching a movie, while Joanna kept trying her luck in the upstairs bedroom.  "No results"? asked Sebastian, "None", said Joanna.  Sebastian decided to just give it a rest and so he told Joanna to just chill and follow him to the next room.  Joanna followed and both Sebastian and Joanna sat in the living room watching the movie with the rest of the family.

The next day, the family was getting ready for a camping trip.  It was now Saturday, and everyone was going different directions to get their gear ready for camping.  Sebastian looked and realized that, that was not a good thing. Joanna laughed at Sebastain and said, "Sebastian, just let them go, they need to go and enjoy themselves, now don't spoil the fun for them".  Sebastian had this baby frown on his face and looked at Joanna with those baby blue eyes, and said, "Ok", but we will follow them".  There is not much to be done here, everyone is going to be out, we might as well be out there too".  "I agree", said Joanna.  So, everyone packed their camping gear and got in their car.  Joanna and Sebastian joined them, and watched their happy faces while on the road.  Everyone seemed to be smiling and looking forward for their camping trip, even the dog.
As they arrived to their destination, everyone was eagerly taken down their camping gear to get started.  The kids were particularly eager and anxious to get started.  The both of them hurried to get the tent and try to put up with it.  It was large and bulky, and the tent kept falling back down each time they tried to lift it up, the camping tent was not cooperating with them, so their uncle- in- law came to the rescue, and helped with the tent.  It was heavy and bulky.  "Thanks", Uncle George", they both said at the same time.  "You're Welcome", replied Uncle George.  The camp seemed to have something for everyone on the premises.  There was a real nice man made lake to go fishing, and there was a court to play volleyball, and there was also a place to barbecue,  and not to far was a gift shop.  The kids went into their tent and started to add their blankets and water inside.  They both found their place in the tent.  Uncle George and his wife they started to make preparations for the barbecue.  While his wife was cutting and chopping the vegetables, he was cutting and chopping the meat, and was watching the fire in the barbecue pit to see if it was nearly ready to fire up the meat and start cooking.  Meanwhile the dog was just resting and watching everyone work at the camp.

Joanna and Sebastian walked towards the fishing lake.  They were amazed on how many fishes there were and their variety.  The colors were amazing on each fish.  The only regret they had was that they were unable to hold a fishing pole.  Then they walked around the camp and enjoyed the various colored leaves on the trees, something they did not do while they were alive because they were so busy with their careers.  It seemed to be serene and so peaceful.  It was very nice to just feel the wind blow on your face and hear the birds sing various songs and watch them fly up towards the blue sky.  To see the small creatures crawling on the ground and going to their own destination or looking for food and working together to find their food, and then crawl back inside their hole or into the water.  To look up and see the sun shining and the mountains with color and precise clarity.  No smog on that day.  A beautiful day, that even the dead appreciated.  Joanna and Sebastian went back to the camp to see what was happening.  Their daughter was getting the wooden table ready for the picnic and their son was bringing out the water and the drinks.  Brother-in-Law was still cooking up a storm and listening to his favorite music on the radio.  Sister was helping her niece with the paper plates, napkins and cups.  All seemed to be working together.  The dog was smelling the meat, and now he was getting closer to the source, but in a very discreet way.  Slowly, very slowly. 
Brother- in-Law yelled at the team, and told them, "The food is ready, come and get it".  So, everyone grabbed their paper plate and grabbed their favorite piece of meat.  The salad was already on the table to take.  "It smells good", said Elizabeth, "it sure does", said George.  They all sat and had their picnic and enjoy each others company.  Joanna and Sebastian just watched and looked towards the mountains, they waited patiently to see what was coming next.  After everyone ate, the family decided to get together with their fishing poles and try their luck with fishing in the lake.  Everyone appeared to have experience in the fishing game.  George was doing well, his wife and the children appeared to know what they were doing.  Suddenly, Elizabeth screams and screams, and everyone got startled, "what's wrong Elizabeth?", asked George, "I think I have something, it's real heavy, it's real heavy", she kept saying.  "George come and help me, hurry, 'it's real heavy," So, George runs quickly towards her and grabs part of the fishing pole to help her with the weight of the fishing pole, and he brings it up and she brings it up and it falls, right back in, and he tries again, and she is huffing and puffing and she pulls up and he pulls too, and they both keep working on it, and as hard as it was, they gradually pull it up, and they look at it, and can't quite figure it out what they brought back up, "what is it? asked his wife, "don't know" said George.  He looked at it closely and the kids looked at it closely, and all four of them were puzzled.  Sebastian and Joanna wanted to know too, so they looked at it closely and wondered what the hell it was.  As they started to untangled the whole mess, they realized that it was a tangled shoe, that was so old, that it had rusty shoe lace and debris all over it, the shoe was more like a working boot, but it must have been there for decades, Elizabeth was disappointed, but the rest of the crew had a good laugh.  "Volleyball anyone," asked George.  Everyone went back to the camp and decided to change the phase a little.  The kids were more than ready to play volleyball, and George and Elizabeth wanted to please them, so they joined in the game.  Both George and Elizabeth were rusty for it had been years since they played volleyball, but they were participating and having fun with the kids, even the dog joined in to play.  He would run and fetch the volleyball when the volleyball stray to different directions.  Sebastian and Joanna were the cheer leading squad, even though they weren't being heard, but they didn't seem to mind.  The crew was now slowing down, and so they decided to start packing their things in their car.  It was getting late, and they wanted to get home before it got really dark and busy on the freeway.  Everyone looked tired and some were sleeping in the car.  Sebastian was a happy camper because he was going back home.  Elizabeth was pretty much asleep in the car and the kids, well, they too were falling asleep.  George had to stay alert, he was the driver.  The dog was fast asleep and snoring away too.  Joanna was staring at the sky and looking at all the houses as Geroge passed them by.  Finally, they arrived and everyone but George went straight to the couch and chilled.  They were all tired. George went straight to the shower to clean up. The gear was left behind for Sunday.  No one wanted to tackle the gear until the next day. 
Meanwhile Sebastian went back up stairs and tried his luck again, but he just kept opening and closing drawers instantly, they wouldn't stay opened.  Joanna tried her luck, but in her case nothing opened or closed.
Sebastian was getting a little upset now, and Joanna was getting very upset, because she was not making any progress there.  Joanna was throwing a fit and Sebastian calmed her down.  "All within time", he said, "All within  time".  "Let's go, it's time for us, to just chill for a while", said Sebastian. "Sunday will come, and we will see how we can manage our situation and problem when Sunday arises,"he said .  Everyone went to their designated bedrooms and fell asleep, while Sebastian and Joanna were trying to think things over, on how and who to work with, so they can get that small box out of there and open it.

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