Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life is about Expansion and Growth

Always keep on striving to learn a positive skill, go to school, to a seminar, read a book that can open a door for you.   Every little step, every little bit of knowledge counts.  No matter how young or old you are, there is always room for learning.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sebastian and Joanna are now ready to start their venture.  Sebastian is contemplating which way to start first.  Joanna is watching him with curiosity. "what are you planning to do?", asked Joanna.  "Well", answered Sebastian, "I am thinking that I should try the first method first".  "I need the practice". "So, you want to scare the hell out my sister and my brother in law", replied Joanna.  "Not exactly", said.Sebastian. "I just need to find out what I can do and cannot do with my potentials".  "I need to practice my new skills and see how far it will take me, but I don't really want to scare them, just want to see what I can do with this".  Joanna looked at him and replied, "ok, but I am going to try too, but just remember, we don't want to scare them, "right",
" right", replied, Sebastian.
 Sebastian and Joanna waited for the couple to come in from work.  It was 4:00 p.m., so Sebastian and Joanna decided to take a small trip to the school where they would check out their two kids to see how they were doing after school practice.  James, was practicing  his football techniques, while their daughter was talking and joking with her best friends.  Sebastian and Joanna can now go back and fourth without any problem, they seem to be more at ease with themselves, now that know how to appear and disappear in  different locations, so they mastered that pretty well.  They proudly watched their kids, and wished they could
hug them and kiss them once again, but they both know, that's impossible.  For a while, they both seemed to enjoy sitting on the bleachers watching their kids and all the young children going back and fourth to and from different locations, some  towards the gym, while others towards the football field, others had to go to after school homework class, to complete or return their homework, they so totally forgot or did not complete, late homework.  Sebastian noticed it was getting late, and there were not many students on the  premises anymore, and so he gets up and turns to Joanna.  "Joanna, it's time to go", "we need to go home," he tells her.  Joanna shakes her head as agreeing with him. They both closed their eyes and concentrate on their address, and before they knew it, they open their eyes, and there they were, back in their home in their living room.  They can hear noises in the kitchen and the dining room, and so they slowly move in those areas to see what's happening in the designated areas.  Her sister is now getting ready to make dinner, and her brother in law is helping her with the dishes, some of the dishes need to go in the dishwasher and the pots and pans need to be wash by hand. Sebastian sees this as an opportunity to practice his new skill.  So, he concentrates, on one of the pots on the counter.  He waves his hand and nothing happens, he tries again, but it moves very little, then he tries again, and it moves about an increment, not good.  So, he decides to really get closer to the pot, and tries again, with more force, the pot goes flying across the room, and falls straight to the ground.  George gets  startled and runs from the kitchen to the dining room where his wife is preparing the plates and  silverware, and he looks pale by now. He looks back at the kitchen and looks at his wife.  His wife is too busy to nootice him.  "Oops" Sebastian said.  "that was wild"."I did not mean to do that," "sorry George" Sebastian said, with a very concerned look, but with a smile on his face. George looked at his wife, and tries to get her attention, but his wife is humming up a song, and does not really pay attention to George.  "Honey, Honey, I just saw a pot flying across the room", "I just saw a pot flying through the room", "Stop it George", "you are making me laugh, you must be in a good mood", "just saw a pot flying through the room, pots don't fly, George, pots don't fly","please go get some napkins George, and then I will start bringing in the food", requested his wife as she dismissed everything he was saying. George slowly went back to the kitchen, took a peak to see where the pot was or if it had moved again, but the pot was on the floor and did not move from there.  George was now doubting himself.  Maybe I worked too hard, and I imagined that, he thought to himself. So, he goes to the cupboard and gets the napkins to give to his wife.  Meanwhile, James and his sister comes in from their school and greet their aunt and uncle.  "Hi," said James to his aunt.  "What's for dinner?, asked his sister.  Elizabeth looks at her and tells her to go wash up and then come back to check what's for dinner.  So she goes off and washes up, while George is still trying to make sense of what he saw in the kitchen, but he keeps things to himself, he dare not tells his niece and nephew.  They all sit and have their dinner, and enjoy each others company and they all go to the living room after dinner to watch a movie together.  Everything appears to be normal. Meanwhile Sebastian is now back to the kitchen to try again. "How do I pick-up the pot on the ground?, he asked Joanna, "Well,  the same way you made it move, I suppose?, replied Joanna. So, Sebastian, gets closer and concentrates once again, and waves his arm to the right, and the pot goes across the opposite side with such a force, that everyone from the living room gets up and runs to the kitchen, well the pot is now on the opposite side, and George looks and he is now really startled, and he walks to his reclining chair for awhile and just sits there.  "We have ghost in this house", he says out loud. No one is really listening to him, because they think that it was a weird situations, and what must have happened is that the pot was situated in the wrong place, and it just fell to the ground and rolled to the other side of the room.  So, Elizabeth picks up the pot and placed the pot on the counter, dismisses the incident, and tells everyone, "Let's all go back to the living room and continue watching the movie". so everyone walks back and sit to watch the remainder of the movie.  George is still in shock, and convinced that ghosts are now in the house, but not totally 100%.  He is now a little scare, but he better stay low profile or otherwise, they are going to think he is going nuts. "Time to go to bed," Elizabeth tells everyone, so everyone is tired, and so they all go to their designated bedrooms.  Sebastian was smiling and Joanna was shaking her head, like saying to him, "you sure need a lot of practice, my friend.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Smile, and the whole world will smile with you.

Once Upon A Time

Sebastian looked everywhere, and then he remembered where he had placed  the item.  He jumped for joy and he smiled at Joanna.  Joanna just stared at him, "what's wrong with you, you act as if you won the lottery", she said, and Sebastian responded by saying, "maybe I did".  "I think I found it", Sabastian said.  "Found what!" replied, Joanna, "I found what I was looking for," answered Sebastian, "it is inside the black safe box". "I can see it now," "ready, Joanna", said Sebastian, "ok", "I am ready, but I don't know what you are talking about nor what you have in that black safe box".  "I hope it's not locked", said Sebastian, "because if it is", "we are doomed!   "Aha!, there it is, my precious black safe box". " I can see it from here," (lt was up on the right hand corner on the top shelf in the closet).  Sebastian tried to pick-up the black box, but to no avail. "Well, there is a disadvantage of being a ghost after all, now what am I going to do,?" said Sebastian. Joanna just shook her head.  "We can try to get the attention of my sister or brother-in-law, that's the only two options we have", said Joanna.  "Right", said Sebastian, "Do you know how hard that's going to be," replied Sebastian.  "We don't have many choices, Sebastian, unless you want to try to catch the attention of our children", "No," replied Sebastian, "I want to surprise our children with it""Then Elizabeth and George will have to be our target, replied Joanna.  "Let's do it", said Sebastian. So, off they go to find the couple in the rooms. "Joanna, you go to the right, and I will go to the left of the hall".  "Call me as soon as you find one of them".  Joanna answered, "ok".  Sebastian looked all throughout the left side of the hall, and Joanna all through the right side of the hall, but no soul  was around. From bedroom to bedroom, first floor, second floor, but no one was home. "Where can they be?", asked Sebastian.  "Have no clue", said Joanna.  "Ok, let's wait for them, eventually they will come home".  So, Sebastian sits on the couch and Joanna sits right next to him. They waited, and waited, and waited.  Soon, the doors open, and there were the two children, coming in the door, laughing and joking with each other. "James, when are you giving up, that girl you like, she doesn't even know you exist", you my brother are wasting your time and energy, and if I were you, I find another girl that really wants you", you know what I mean". Tamara, you don't even know what you are talking about" "she loves me, you haven't seen her how she smiles at me when I walk  right pass her."replied, James. "she's probably glad to get rid of you", answered Tamara. "No, she knows me by my first name, and says hi each time I see her, replied James.  "Right", Tamara, answered, "she says hi to everyone, including her puppy and cat, she happens to be friendly, you are not the only man in this world, "get over it, James", replied Tamara.  "That girl is mine, she is going to be your sister- in- law in the near future, you watch and see,  Tamara, you watch and see" replied James.  "Right", sure, James," answered Tamara with a very doubtful look on her face.  Sebastian looks back at Joanna, and smiles with a devilish smile.  "My boy, that's my boy" Sebastian said. Joanna looks at Sebastian and smiles back, "you know he is still too young, and this will pass too", "he is only a baby attracted to another baby", "I don't worry about that", said Joanna. Suddenly, the door opens again, and it is Elizabeth with her car keys in her hand and purse on the other hand.  "Yes!, said Sebastian, "Yes, "Yes", Yes!", he yelled with excitement,"the homecoming queen is back". "Yeah! he yells, again.  "Ok",  what next, do you have a plan, Sebastian? "No, but I will figure it out one way or another", replied Sebastian. Joanna waited for Sebastian's big master plan, she wanted to know how he was going to pull this one.  Sebastian kept pacing back and fourth in the living, room, and Joanna just kept looking at him.  "Sebastian, what next, genius", said Joanna.  "Wait, I am thinking, I am thinking, don't ruin my concentration, ok". So, Sebastian paced back and fourth again and again, finally he came through with an idea.  "I got it, I got it", he yelled, "I know, I know, now," he said.  "Ok", said Joanna,  "what is your plan?" "We need to talk to Martin, and he can tell us how, he has more experience in this ghost thing".  "I know he would know what to do, so  that we can get to the black box".  "Let's try to concentrate on Martin's name".  "Are you ready, Joanna", but what if it doesn't work, Sebastian, then what", said Joanna, "then we will keep on doing different things, until we can get it down, I am sure he knows of a better way to do this.  His been around more as a ghost than we have.  We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  I am sure he will do it free, he has no use for money and we sure can't get any ourselves.  What do you say, we call him, Joanna?.  "fine, I just hope this is not a big mistake", replied Joanna.  "Concentrate, Concentrate", said Sebastian, "concentrate by calling his name, so he can appear in front of us"  So, Joanna and Sebastian both concentrate and concentrate and nothing happens.  "what the hell, where is this man?, I am sure we are doing the right thing". Sebastian cries out with lots of fraustraton.  "Who knows, said, Joanna, "we might as well just do it ourselves", "No", said Sebastian, let's concentrate again, so they both keep on concentrating, they both close their eyes, and think, "Martin", "Martin", Martin",  Bingo, Martin appears. " Man, we've been calling you for a while, and you are a hard man to get a hold of", said Sebastian. "Yeah", said Joanna, "where in the hell were you?".  Martin replied, "you guys made me come so you can scold me, what's up with that!", "I am going back, see you clowns some other time, I don't need this, I was having some of my own fun in a night club".  There were pretty senoritas dancing the cumbias and salsas in the nightclub called, "La Fiesta".  Nice, then I was totally interruped by a couple that I hardly know, now that's a crying shame, my friends". "I am going back to "La Fiesta, see you guys", "No, wait!", said Sebastian, we need your help. "Oh, now you need my help, when I am having the best night of all nights", "ok, what is it?", said Martin. " You know that we are newly ghosts, right, said Sebastian. "Right", said Martin, and, Martin waited for Sebastian to reply, "and, we need to know how to operate as  ghosts, we need to complete something I left incomplete.  I didn't know I was going to die!" said Sebastian.  Martin laughs, "now  that's funny, do you think I knew I was going to die", replied Martin. " No of course not, I am just saying, said Sebastian, this was so unexpected, can you help us, or not! asked Sebastian.  "ok, what is it you want from me? replied Martin.  "Tell me", said Martin. "Well, said Sebastian "I have this black safe box, and I don't know how to open it, or how to get someone's attention, like my sister- in- law or my brother- in- law, for example.  "Now, you really want to get their attention", replied Martin, "well of course", answered Sebastian, "Now, how do we do that, you tell us,"asked Sebastiaan.  "Well", you have several options, answered Martin,  "So, tell us, what are our options", replied Sebastian.  "You can scare them at night by making all kinds of noises in the home, like opening the kitchen cabinets, by turning on the television unexpectedly, by moving dishes that are on top of the kitchen counter, moving all sorts of items in the closets, and turning on the water in the bathroom and eventually leading them to the closet towards your black box, or they may just leave and never come back," said Martin. "ok", what's the other option, replied Sebastian.  "The other option is that one of them dream of one of you and you can tell he/she what you want them to look for and what to do with the so called, black safe box you have here". "So, it is possible that we can talk to them while they are asleep, asked Sebastian. "Of course it's possible", answered Martin.  "Tell us how to do that, then, said Sebastian. "Well, is not an instant thing you do, it takes practice and patience".  Both of you need to have patience and will need to keep on trying until you get it right". "There is no time limit, after all, you two don't have to worry about time, it does not exist for you anymore".  "So, just have patience, and you will eventually get their attention", said Martin.  "Ok, how do we do this, tell us now, Sebastian urged for an answer. "ok", for the moving of items, you need to focus on the item itself, then use all the energy you have and move your hands towards the item, don't touch!, that will not work, just sway your hands towards the item you wish to move, and keep on focusing on that item, and that is how you move things.  "The next option, you will need to be at their bedside while they are sleeping, but you can only do one person at a time, because the concentration is real intensed". "You must really focus and concentrate".  "While Elizabeth is asleep, you must look into her eyelids and go beyond them, that is the window of dreams", "you can almost see what she is dreaming about," Martin said. How is that?, Sebastian questioned him. "I don't know, it's just happens to be that's what happens, don't question me, just do it, "you asked for help, and now I am helping you", "so stop interrupting me!, answered Martin.  Fine!, Fine! "what next?", asked Sebastian.  "You must keep on trying until you can visually see Elizabeth or George in that dream, and they can see you too, replied Martin.  "Once Elizabeth or George recognize you and calls your name in the dream, then at that moment, you need to give them instructions on what you need them to do and where to find what you are looking for; remember, you will need to explain to them very clearly what you want them to do for you, the dream doesn't come so easy, so try to give as much details as possible, it could be your only chance, there is no telling when the next dream will come, and if they will ever see you, again".  "Ok", I told you all I know, Sebastian, so, now I must go back to my fiesta, see you guys later", and out he goes and disappears like a thin fog in the air before their eyes, they did not have a chance to thank him.  "Well, now we know", said Tamara.  "We have what we need, now the hard stuff, begins"."Yeah", said Sebastian.  "We  can only try."

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Thought

Always look a head, think positive and believe in yourself, and you will surely reach your goals.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Sebastian and Joanna exited the classroom, and continued to search for James.  They went through the hallways and through the lockers until they could find James.  James was no where in the classrooms, so they started to look outside the grounds in the school.  There he was on the ground practicing football.  Sebastian had a proud look on his face while looking at him.  Joanna just stared at James and had a big smile on her face.  Sebastian was watching carefully and Joanna began to wonder in other areas, she knew nothing about football, but she did like to see the young girls practicing cheerleading.  She was once a cheerleader herself back in the good all days.  Sebastian could see that James was doing alright as a quarterback, so he was pleased, but now they had to go back to the house they once lived in.  Sebastian goes towards Joanna and tells Joanna that is time to go back home where they once lived.  "There are other things that I must do", said Sebastian.  Joanna said,"what kinds of other things, Sebastian?" "You will see, Joanna", "come lets go back", so Joanna and Sebastian repeated the words again and again to get home, and zoom, they were back home again, looking at their front home once again, and concentrating in the living room, to zoom in.  Sebastian told Joanna that there was a secret that he was holding, and did not tell anyone about it,  Joanna said, "not even me, why?" "I wanted to surprise you, but that would come later in our lives", said, Sebastian.  "Now, I really can't surprise you anymore, it's not worth anything to you or even to me, but the children will benefit from it, you will see?"  "What is it?" "What is it?" Joanna eagerly asked.  "You will see, I will show you, but I have to direct Elizabeth to find it, first, then you will see it"  "Ok, tell me now", said Joanna, "No", said Sebastian "you will see it", and until Elizabeth gets it for me, you will see it too".  So, Joanna was now very curious and kept wondering what it was throughout her mind. Sebastian said, "by the way can we trust your sister?" Joanna thought for moment, "of course, we can", she is my sister", "can we trust her?", Sebastian asked again, Joanna said,"I believe we can, I never heard bad things about her". " I hope you are right", said Sebastian.  "She's my sister, you know",  Sebastian zoomed in his bedroom and started searching for what he was looking for, in and out of dressers and in and out of his closet,"I can't remember where I placed it, but I know it's in my bedroom", he explained.  "If you tell me what you are looking, maybe I can help you look for it", replied Joanna.  "No, No, I must find it, I must find it", said Sebastian.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Once Upon A Time

It was now 6:00 a.m. and both Sebastian and Joanna heard the kids and the adults getting up from bed.
Sebastian sat on the recliner just watching all the action, and Joanna was making observations while standing in the kitchen.  Tamara took off running into the bathroom for the shower.  James was looking for his clothes somewhere in his room, and the adults were getting ready to make breakfast.  Elizabeth's husband George was reading the newspaper, while Elizabeth was making breakfast for the whole family.  Tamara gets out of the bathroom and runs to her bedroom, while James finds his clothes and runs in the bathroom for his shower.  Sebastian was so calm and just taking it all in.  Joanna was pretty much looking from one side to the other and peeking to see what else was going to happen.  Elizabeth was scrambling eggs and making pancakes.  Coffee appeared ready for George.  George, a very passive man, was reading and drinking his coffee while all the running around was going on in the home. Elizabeth didn't mind, because remember she pretty much comes from a different environment, and she had her own kids and had gone through that phase before.  So, she was familiar with all the action, nothing was new to her.  Tamara walks in the dinning room and sits on her chair, all she had to do is eat and enjoy her breakfast. No words were said for awhile.  Then, James comes along all set to go, he sits on the chair and gets ready for his breakfast.  "Tamara, are you almost ready to go","Hey, I am way ahead of you", "are you ready"? asked Tamara.  "Just a few more bites, and I am ready," said James.  So, off they go to school.  Same routine.  Back to School.  Elizabeth, yells, "you guys have a good day, now", and both answered, "See you Aunt Elizabeth, don't forget to pick us up after school".  "Well do", said Aunt Elizabeth.
Sabastian and Joanna followed them to school.  Curious to know how well they are doing, well, now was their chance to find out.  "Let's go to Tamara's first class, and check her out", said Joanna.  Her class appeared to be Home Economics.  Sebastian, said, "boring".  Joanna just looked at him, and said, "hush", Sebastian, said "why", "they can't hear me", "No, hush for me". "I want to hear what the teacher is saying to the students, do it for me, Sebastian".  So, the teacher went on and on and on.  Some students were falling asleep, and others gave up listening a long time ago, and some were looking out the window, hoping to see some thing exciting or something in the sky more interesting.  Finally, the teacher stops, and gives the students an assignment, each of them were given a small cookbook, from that cookbook, the studens had to make a choice, but only one choice to try only one recipe.  One simple recipe.  Tamara, looked through the whole book, browsed through it, and she couldn't make up her mind.  Joanna tried to pin point a recipe for her, but of course that did not work, so, Joanna tried to blow at the page but that did not work, and Tamara turned to page 5,"How to Make Biscuits"," that seemed simple enough", said Tamara.  Joanna looked at Sebastian and said, "ok", "she can do that, it looks simple enough for Tamara".  Sebastian looked at Joanna and said, "so, you really, really think she can cook those biscuits", "Yeah", said, Joanna, "why not". "Tamara never cooked, she doesn't even toast her own bread, let alone, mix and bake some biscuit recipe", replied Sebastian.  "Oh Stop", said Joanna, "you need to give her more credit than that".  "Let's watch her, I am sure she will do just fine". " Ok", said Sebastian," if you say so, Joanna".  So, they both watched Tamara, and Tamara opened her book and started reading the instructions on the recipe.  "Let's see, 2 cups of flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/3 cup of shortening and about 3/4 of a cup of milk,"that should be easy enough", said Tamara. So,Tamara gets all of that and pours it inside a big bowl. "There, I am done".  "Now, all I have to do is mix it all together, and bingo!, it's done". "Now, it says to knead it gently on a lightly floured surface, and that looks easy too",Tamara said.  So, she starts kneading the dough and the dough is not quite ready, so she adds more flour, it's sticky, and adds more flour, she doesn't like that it still sticking to the surface.  So, she continues adding flour, then she kneads it again, this time, it didn't stick to the surface, so Tamara had a big smile and a big relief, she did it, all it's done. Now, she needs to form them into a ball, and she loves that part. She makes little ones and big ones, and has a blast doing them.  Joanna looks at Sebastian, "See that's not so bad, I told you so", and Sebastian replies, "it's not over yet".  Tamara continues with her baking, she now needs to get the biscuit cutter to make perfect biscuits.  So, she gets one big ball of dough and cuts it with the biscuit cutter, there of course, is left over dough, and so she sets the left over dough aside and continues with the big ones, one by one.  She tries the same thing with the little ones, but she can't seem to cut those, so she adds left over dough to the little ones, and so she is done, making her biscuits.  Next, she needs to  place them on an ungreased baking sheet 1" apart and bake at 450 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes until golden brown.  Tamara felt so proud of herself, and so did Joanna, for it was the first time she saw her daughter bake some biscuits. Tamara places her biscuits on the ungreased pan and in the oven.  She goes to talk to her friend while her biscuits are baking. She wanted to know what her friend was baking.  Her friend tells her she is baking a chocolate cake, and Tamara watches her friend as she throws in the ingredients to bake the cake.  Tamara tells her "just throw the whole ingredients in the bowl, you are too slow, just do it".  Her friend explains that she needs to read the bottom instructions, that the instructions are most important.  "The top is only the list of ingredients and the amount you need", Tamara, you need to read the instructions that follows, explained her friend.  "Great!", said Tamara.  "Now you tell me".  Tamara was now hoping that her biscuits in that oven would be golden brown.  Meanwhile, she was helping her friend bake the cake, and was really involved with the ingredients and the mixing.  Joanna was now aware that her biscuits were burning and she tried to get Tamara's attention by blowing in her ear, she pulled her dress, her sweater, she yelled at her, but Joanna was not making progress with that, everything Joanna did was just going right through, and was no use. Sebastian was watching Joanna and laughing while sitting in one of the classroom chairs. Tamara was still talking to her friend.  Tamara, let me do it, it's my project. "This is fun", said Tamara.  "Alright, Alright", here, do your project, said Tamara.  Tamara and the rest of the class started to smell something that was burning, and smoke was coming out from the oven.  Tamara just realized that her biscuits were in that oven.  "Oh my God, "Oh my God", my biscuits, my biscuits yelled Tamara.  She runs to the oven and opens the oven door, there was smoke coming out of the oven and there were her biscuits, they were not golden brown, they were pitch black.  Tamara, just looks at them and started to cry,"my biscuits","my biscuits," "they are all ruined". "Well", said Sebastian, looking at Joanna, "well", what!" answered Joanna.  "I told you that it was not over" replied Sebastain.  Joanna said, "Oh hush, Sebastian, she tried", said Joanna. "My poor baby" cried out Joanna.  The teacher had to open the windows, and dismissed the students.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Time is precious, spend time with your family, talk to one another, don't let the time pass you by.  Enjoy every moment with your family, you will be glad you did.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Sebastian and Joanna were willing to give it a try one more time.  "Here we go", said Sebastian, "Are you Ready", he asked Joanna.  "Ready or Not", "here we come". "Let's do it, Sebastian". said Joanna.  Both of them closed their eyes, and concentrated on their home address:  "645 N. San Pablo, Brentwood, California". Sebastian had his eyes closed, and peaked to see if he was there yet. "No", said Joanna. "Not Yet".  So, they both closed their eyes again, and tried again. "645 N. San Pablo, Brentwood, California", Joanna opened her eyes, and  nothing happened, still sitting on that same bench.  "Ok", said Joanna "we are not getting anywhere, we are missing something here, or that so call Martin lied to us and is now laughing at us".  Sebastian, just agreed by knodding his head as of saying "you are right".  So, once again, they sat there quietly for a while.  Then Sebastian had an idea.  "Joanna, listen, I think concentration may not be enough, I think we should try to repeat it once or twice or three times, until we get it right".  "Let's try it, we have nothing to lose".  Joanna said,"if anything it's going to be fun, let's do it".  So Joanna and Sebastian tried it once, and no, nothing happened, then they tried it twice, and nothing happened, "ok", Sebastian this is it, our final try", said Joanna.  "Our final and last try".  Sebastian and  Joanna closed their eyes and concentrated really hard, and repeated the address three times, "645 N. San Pablo, Brentwood, CA", "645 N. San Pablo, Brentwood, CA", "645 N. San Pablo, Brentwood, CA".  They opened their eyes, and there with amazement, was 645 N. San Pablo, Brentwood, CA.  A beautiful white two story house with the black large lettering in front of it with the address 645 "N" San Pablo, Brentwood, CA.  "Wow", said, Joanna, "we are here", "we are here", "California, here we come", "Yeah". Sebastian yelled, Yeah!, "we are home", "we are home again".  Both Sebastian and Joanna looked at each other and remembered they were now ghost and had a quiet moment looking at each other.  Sebastian looked at Joanna and said, "well look at the positive side, we get to see our children and our home".  Joanna, sadly agreed, because she knew that she would not be able to hug them or kiss them or even say hello to them.  She consoled herself, at least by just watching them and going in what was once their home too.  Both gave a big sigh, and started walking towards the house.  As they walked, they noticed the steps they needed to step on, and so they walked one step at a time.  As they got to the door, they tried to open the door with their hands, but each had trouble, it was no longer possible.  So, Joanna thought for a moment, "We must use the same method we did before".  "It's concentration and location".  "let's try it, again, only this time, we need to concentrate on a particular room in the house," explained Joanna. Sebastian, said, "ok, I am for it, let's do it, then". So they did.  Sebastian and Joanna closed their eyes and concentrated for the living room.  "living room", they both said, and before they knew it, they were there.  Sebastian looked at the clock on the fireplace, and he noticed that it was 6:00 p.m. and as they walked in the living room, they saw a boy and a girl, and two adults quietly watching television, and eating popcorn while sitting on the couch. A dog next by the adult lady.  The dog appeared to be a Maltese.  They both got closer to the children, and they recognized James and Tamara, Sebastian got excited and Joanna was thrilled to see them.  Then, they looked at the two adults, and Tamara recognized them right away, "hey, it's my sister and my brother-in-law", "what are they doing here." Sebastian said,"they are probably just visiting the kids". Joanna said, "ok", I buy that". "Look at our beautiful children, Sebastian", "Tamara is such a beautiful girl, she's blonde, she has my blue eyes, and she appears like she is doing alright". "James, is so attentive watching the television, some of that popcorn is not even going to his mouth, it's going all over the couch",  "he is going to ruin my white couch with that greasy popcorn", Joanna said, with a real worried look on her face." "Stop", "Stop" yelled, Joanna.  "Quit", said, Sebastian, "it's useless" "Joanna, remember, we have no use for material things, a reminder, Joanna, "we are ghosts, we are ghosts, and don't you forget that, leave that poor boy alone, he doesn't know we are even here".  None of them can hear us or see us, you are wasting your time yelling at the poor boy, he can't hear you anymore,"explained Sebastian. "Well, in memory of his mother, you would think he would be more careful", said Joanna.  "yeah, sure", said Sebastian.
"ok", what next, Sebastian", asked Joanna.  "Well, we can roam the City of Brentwood, and come back later in the evening" "We can't stay here, just looking and gazing at them", "that for me, would be boring", said Sebastian,"let's roam the City of Brentwood, let's go to the theater and see what's playing, then let's go to the museum nearby, and let's go to the shopping mall, why not, we don't have to pay any entrance fees, we don't need a car for transportation, and  no one is watching us" "We can't buy things, but we can still enjoy seeing the clothes and the merchandise", "well", ok, Joanna said, "why not". "but we are coming back again to our home, right", "of course", said Sebastian.  "I want to be with my kids as much as possible, just like you do", but let's have fun for now".  "I want to roam and see the town," Sebastian said.  Joanna said, "Let's go, stranger".  Off they went into the City of Brentwood.  They loved the town, and had a great time going in and out from various theaters, watching bits and pieces of movies playing and watching the audience faces and expressions, they really enjoyed that.  Some were funny face expressions, while others were serious, while eating their popcorn, depending on the movie they were watching, while others were staring at the screen real hard, it was a crazy experience for the both of them, but they loved every moment of it.  They took off to the museum and loved the art there, and then they went to the shopping mall to check out the new clothes and the electronic devices, and of course the different people that were coming in and out from the shops.  They sat outside for a while to see the nice shops that surrounded the mall, and the nice cars that were parked on the parking lot.  They looked at each other once more, and smiled.  Sebastian said, "it's time now, it's getting late, let's go home now".  Joanna agreed, and they both concentrated on the address and repeated the address three times again, and both of them were standing in front of their house once again.  As they concentrated on the living room, and repeated the living room once, they were instantly there, and so as they roam around,  the living room was empty, so they looked in the bedrooms and noticed that the children were asleep, and as they went down the hall, they noticed another bedroom, and they looked inside the bedroom, and there was the couple fast asleep. The man was snoring loud, but he seemed very comfortable on that bed.  Sebastian and Joanna decided to just tour the rest of the home for good all times and look at the pictures on the wall that were full of memories.

For You

It's very important that you focus on you and don't compare yourself to others.  You are important.
Reach your goals and go for it. Have a great day.  I plan to.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Once Upon A Time

JoAnna and Sebastian discovered that now they were ghosts roaming with the living.  Both were sad, and wished that it were different, but of course there was no turning back.  They would have to adjust being ghosts and of course figure out what to do next, and how to do it.  How do you cope being a ghost?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a ghost, what  can we do and cannot do?  These are some of the questions, that kept coming to them as they walked together side by side. Will they be able to see their kids or their home again?  JoAnna remembered that once she saw a ghost story, and she remembered that one ghost told the other, that all you have to do is think that you are in that general area, and bingo, you would be there.  JoAnna then told Sebastian to try that," but first," she said, "we must both be in agreement to our location, because I don't want to separate myself from you". "Ok", Sebastian, "where do you want to go", asked, JoAnna. " Well", said Sebastian,"I want to go home, how about it?"  "That's what I had in mind", said JoAnna, "Let's try this, and see if it works", said JoAnna. "Remember, think the same location and concentrate", she said.  Sebastian closed his eyes, and started to concentrate, "Home Sweet Home", "Home Sweet Home", "Home Sweet Home", and JoAnna started to close her eyes and said, "I want to go home", "I want to go Home."Sebastian ended up at this business called, "Home Sweet Home Pie Shop", and JoAnna, ended up at her birth place, when she was a little girl.  JoAnna, looked around and founded amusing, but she was confused, and said,"how can that be, "I said, "I want to go home".  Sebastian ended up looking through a glass that had home made pies, nothing like home.  Sebastian said, "No, No, that's not what I am looking for, that is  totally wrong, though the pies look good, but that does not do me any good anymore, so now what do I do", he asked himself. "JoAnna, JoAnna, where are you" he shouted out, but JoAnna was no where near him.  "Darn", said, Sebastian.  JoAnna was looking for Sebastian, but there was no Sebastian at site.  "Ok, what do I do, I need to get back to Sebastian, where do I go from here", "Wow, this is not going to be as easy as I thought it would be"  "Sebastian, where are you, I need you back, this is real scary, being all alone is not a good thing", said JoAnna.  JoAnna remembered that Sebastian was whispering, "Home Sweet Home, Home Sweet Home", so she started to say the same words, "Home Sweet Home, Home Sweet Home", and in an instant, she found herself next to "Home Sweet Home Pie Shop, Sebastian was wondering around, not knowing what to do, then JoAnna spotted him, and called him, "Sebastian, over here", "Sebastian, over here", Sebastian saw her and ran towards her. "Thank God that I found you", said Sebastian, "No, thank God that I found you", said JoAnna.  JoAnna explained to Sebastian what happened to her, and she told him something was not quite right. JoAnna said, "We need to practice some more, something it's not quite right here".  They look around the location they were, and pretty much there were different places and diners where people can go and eat, such as cafes, restaurants, coffee shops and fast food chains.  They both were glad to be together again, and both were dazing at the sky  and  thinking, on how to adjust with their unexpected situation.  Suddenly, a young man appears in front of them, and JoAnna and Sebastian just didn't even acknowledge his appearance, they both thought this one guy was a living human being, and left him alone.  This young man rush to their side, again and again, but Sebastian and JoAnna did not care, they both thought it was a waste of time, talking to him, after all humans can't hear a thing.  However, the young man became persistent and a pest, and kept following them.  JoAnna noticed that he kept walking the same direction as they were walking, and kept trying to catch up with them.  The young man, said, "Hey, you two, stop, I am trying to talk to you, and you guys, just keep on walking. "Just stop for a second, "won't you", both of them appeared surprised, and looked at him.  "Wow, can you see us", asked, Sebastian, "Of course I can", said the young man", "but why", asked Sebastian. "why" the young man repeated the same word, "what does that mean", said the young man", "exactly what I said", said Sebastian.  "Why can you see us, and the others can't?"asked Sebastian again.  JoAnna, said, "Yeah,explain that to us", "Simple", said the young man,"I am a ghost too".  "Oh, I knew that", JoAnna said, with half a smile, she felt like an idiot.  "Ok", so what do you want from us", said Sebastian. "Nothing", said, the ghost, "Let me repeat myself, "I am a Ghost", "Ghost don't need much".  "Ok", then why are you following us?, asked Sebastian. "Well", said the young man, "I saw that both of you are having a hard time coping with this ghost syndrome, so I thought I help you out,  "that is if you want my help".  Sebastian looked at him for a while, and asked him, "why do you want to help us?",  "what's in it for you?", "not much", said the young man, "I just  want to gain points with the man upstairs".  "Do you want my help or not?"  JoAnna looked at the young man and looked at Sebastian for a while.  "Ok", said the young man, "I don't have all day, I'll see you guys later", and he was ready to disappear, when JoAnna, said, "No!, wait, we do need your help" Sebastian turns to JoAnna and says,"You think we can trust him", "Why not", said JoAnna, "we have nothing to lose, we are ghost too", remember!"  "Ok, first things first". said, JoAnna. "How do we travel, how can we go from one place to another place, and get there?", asked JoAnna.  "That's easy", said the young man,  "You just have to close your eyes and concentrate upon the location where you want to travel," "but we did that already, and it did not work", said JoAnna.  JoAnna started to explain how she and Sebastian did it, and the ghosts started to laugh.  "No, you did it all wrong", totally wrong", said the young man.  "You need to concentrate on the location and address where you want to be", "that's how you do it", said the young man.  Next time, try it and you will get there, I promise".  "Well, that's great to know," said, JoAnna,"thanks for the tip".  "By the way, what is your name?  My name is "Martin, just call me Martin".  "Ok", Martin".  "We will see you later", said JoAnna.  "No, said Martin, "you will see me around off and on, off and on" as he would appear and disappear instantaneously at that moment.  Sebastian and JoAnna walked towards the street, and decided to find a nice bench where they could concentrate to get to their location and their address.  Their destination would be their home.